Saturday, June 13, 2009

Whatcha doin'?

Anthony has officially started the questioning that I find so enduring and love about my five-year-old pal, CJ. Today he was full of questions as we spent the majority of our time outside playing. It was so cute to watch A walk up to Mark and hear him say, "Whatcha doin', Daddy?" Of course this was repeated often or followed up with a why? and another why? and so on. This line of questioning went on throughout the day and continued to make me smile (even as I was getting interrogated while cleaning up after supper). I know it will probably get old in the coming weeks, months and years ahead; however, I can't help but love his level of curiosity.


Erin said...

Ha! You get it too now! Now all you need is the Phineas and Ferb accent on it...

you have to watch until about 7 seconds in...

Team Tuttle said...

I can imagine his little mind is just far more curious now that he has words to match! He can ask questions - I love it! :)

Ashley said...

How cute! At least for now, right?!