What a day!
(I should mention that all of the parks in town have been named by A.)
This weekend was beautiful and we had such a nice time hanging out at home. Everyday we went for a walk and had to visit a local park too. Anthony is in such a fun stage right now. The whole time we walk he's talking or singing up a storm. He now points out everything he sees and uses such great description --- there's a boat with a tire on the top or people go camping in that camper or there's a white Jeep with five tires. Seeing motorcycles zoom by loudly or having a train pass by is always a favorite and now we have to touch every red fire hydrant that firefighters use too. Singing is always a highlight as well and makes other walkers smile. His favorite songs are ABC's; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; Old McDonald and Happy Birthday. He's sings these constantly as well as other songs he makes up off the top of his head. It definitely makes our walks more enjoyable; it's so much fun to be having a constant conversation with him.
On another note, this weekend he officially knows his colors. He's been saying all of the colors for weeks now, but had been unable to connect them correctly to the actual color. Now, undoubtedly, he's got it. Also, while we were playing today with letters and numbers he shocked me once again by pointing out nine letters correctly. At one point he holds up an "E" and tells me that it stands for Uncle Erik. Once again I'm amazed by his young, absorbent mind and how it is able to grasp so much information, take it all in and make incredible sense of everything. It is so wonderful to watch him grow and learn and be there every step of the way.
Lastly, he shocked me while we were eating lunch on Saturday. He turns to me and says...
A: Knock, knock, momma
M: Who's there? (It took me awhile to actually figure out he was sharing a joke)
A: Monster
M: Monster who?
A: Monster butt (This was followed by wild, crazy laughter. I know it makes no sense, but it made Mark and I laugh regardless.)
I have a feeling that when he truly understands and gets jokes that he's going to love trading them with Auntie Manda and Uncle Erik! (However, Erik you might need to clean yours up a bit!)
After a weekend like this I'm really looking forward to summer and being able to spend lots of time outdoors and enjoying all of our time together as a family.
Hello Hanson's! Just had to sneak a peek and see how the little big man is doing! My gosh, Tonja! He is getting so big... and what a cutie! It certainly sounds like you have a smart little boy on your hands! Isn't it fun to watch them figure things out?! That's always been one of my favorite parts of being a Mom! It truly is amazing! OH! And our boys also have a name for every park in the neighborhood, "blue park", "red park"...and they know EXACTLY which one is which! :)
Hope you guys have a wonderful, fun filled, memory making summer! Take care!
Cute cute, he's getting so big!
Can't wait to trade some jokes! Yes, finally someone who will laugh at mine! :)
What a cutie! It is so much fun reading about all the cute, silly things that are to come for us. Thanks for the updates!
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