Does the bunny look familiar to you?
She should!
Last weekend Anthony and I traveled up to Grand Rapids to have breakfast with the Easter bunny at the YMCA. We invited the grandmas to come along with us and have lots of fun too. The whole set up was great and it should have been a blast for A; however, he was not into the bunny this year. Last year he warmed up quite quick to the bunny and did a great job. That wasn't the case this year. He didn't smile, didn't laugh and wouldn't even look at the bunny. He just continued to stare straight ahead whenever the bunny would come around. The bad news for him is that darn bunny kept coming around to visit and tickle him with her ear.
Have you figured out who the Easter bunny is yet?
Drum role please...
It's the one, the only --- AUNTIE MANDA!!
Of course there are many perks to having your auntie be the bunny. Unfortunately, Anthony wasn't liking all of the extra attention until the very end when all of the other children left and he just had some one on one time. We all thought she had totally tricked him and he didn't know her identity, but right as we were getting ready to leave he asked where Uncle Damon was at. I guess nothing gets past him.
Thank you, Grandma Carol and Grandma Kathy, for coming with us! And thanks to the crazy, wacky and super fun Easter bunny/auntie too! Can't wait until next year to do it again.
Maybe next year I can get Uncle Damon to be a bunny too! HA! Thanks for coming up - it was WAY fun to see you guys!
OMG Manda is the best bunny EVER!!!!
That is the best bunny costume/makeup I have seen. Auntie Manda rocks. I am feeling slightly inadequate as an aunt right now but I have inspiration.
better late then not at all. THE BUNNY did a great job. And this grandma had fun love you
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