Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rewind: November

The lost chapters of November...

The Carhartt gear that Papa Willie got Anthony for Christmas last year fits and he's determined that he needs to wear it outside.  (Mind you there is no snow.  November started just as mildly as October ended.)  However, when Anth has his mind fixed on something there's no diverting from his plan.  He sure wishes, though, that snow would finally get here...

Dressing up continues to be a daily/weekly phenomenon at our house.  The dress up bin gets used all the time and old costumes cannot be packed up just yet for Asher.  There are many nights he will go to bed with his mask and/or work gloves on.

Zoey got a rash on her belly that she constantly scratched/licked/gnawed on until it become a bleeding open sore.  One Thursday night I brought Anth to therapy while Mark brought Zo to the vet.  On the way home Anth had fallen asleep so I was carrying him into the house to put him to bed.  This is what greeted me at the top of the stairs.  I wasn't expecting the Wonder Dog's new fashion accessory and had to try really hard not to (1) laugh too loudly and wake up the kid and (2) drop the sleeping kiddo from laughing too hard.  Luckily Mark was there to scoop up A.  What a scene!

SNOW!  It finally came!  Now Santa can come any day!  It snowed!  The five dollar shovel from Mills Fleet Farm got lots of use "helping" daddy and one little boy was in snow heaven.  (Although I see he didn't wear his Papa Willie outfit????  Hmmm...)

Unfortunately, Mr. Puke and Mr. Squirts wouldn't leave Anth alone over the long Thanksgiving break. While decorating the Christmas tree Anth got sick and we spent the next four days quarantined away from our family up north trying to kick the icky bug to the curb.  All of that wasn't fun; however, for the first time in THREE YEARS we were able to decorate the tree & listen to the Muppets belt out carols as a family without any breakdowns.  It. was. fabulous.

Arts and crafts were (and for the most part still is) a daily occurrence.  For awhile half of the table was dedicated to crayons, paints, glue, construction paper, etc. until I got organized and found a new home where he could easily find everything he needed.  I love the ideas that he comes up with and that it's never the same thing twice.

Anthony continues to have a great personality and can make us laugh with his crazy antics.  One night he should have been getting ready for bed, but decided to put on the antlers and then went and grabbed the foam fingers from downstairs.  He was showcasing his "Moose Hearing Aids" with lots of dance moves & crazy faces all the while sans underwear.


LJFEIER said...

Get the kid some pants!

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Half naked seems to be the theme in our house...