Friday, January 20, 2012

Lessons from Room 206

Having a student bring "Mr. Tiny" to class as his 'comfort object' is smile inducing.  (By bring I really mean WALK quite a distance to school on a January morning with THIS in tow...) Having a loved godson surprise you by popping in during your prep is also smile inducing and just absolutely wonderful!  Having both worlds collide together - Mr. Tiny and Cam-a-roo - makes for a great picture and one happy four year old.

I couldn't make myself erase my board until this morning.  This list has been up for over a week --- a list of what students absolutely, 100% would need to have in their lives regardless of where or how they live.  (Right now we are discussing and reading a novel, The Giver, that revolves around the theme of living in a Utopian "perfect" world.)

Family, friends, love, shelter...definitely understandable.

CULTURE... WOW! That blew me away.


McDonald's?  Popcorn?  TV?  Ms. Hanson?! (Ha!  Suck ups!)

All this talk about a perfect vs. imperfect world and the essentials in life has got me thinking too.  What is it that you would always HAVE TO HAVE no matter where or how you lived?  What's the most important thing/items/VIP in your life?  Did the seventh graders get it right?

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