Monday, May 16, 2011

Our Angels


While driving home from Grand Rapids on Mother's Day we came across a very recent two car collision.  Other motorists had already stopped to check on the individuals in both cars as well as direct traffic.  It was clear we were only minutes behind this accident.
In the news the next day, we found out that the man who crossed the center line had alcohol in his system and died.  The driver of the other car was listed in critical condition while his passenger and wife didn't sustain any injuries. 
I never do well when coming across accident scenes.  I immediately think of those involved and then their families and then start crying and then start praying and then think about it for hours and even days after the fact...
This accident was no exception.  I did all of the above and then came to the realization that it could have been us.  If only we hadn't stopped in to visit Manda at work or take a little more time getting packed up and ready to go.  What if we hadn't stopped for gas?  
I am so thankful that we weren't involved.  I honestly could not imagine being in that situation.
I am also so thankful we weren't the first on the scene.  I do not know how I would be able to handle that situation either and be the helpful individual I would need to be.
Hopefully our guardian angels will continue to watch over us as we travel through life.

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