Sunday, May 2, 2010

Water Park Weekend

Anthony, Ella (4 and a half), Lucy (19 months),
Clara (almost 6) and Samuel (27 months)

Let the fun begin!
The jumping from bed to bed...
Going down water slides...
Playing hide and seek...
Eating lots of hot dogs and chips...
Giggling, laughing, squealing, screaming fun!

This weekend we traveled to Alexandria to meet up with the Arlts and Paulsruds at Arrowwood Resort. The kids had a great time at the water park and playing together while the adults were able to catch up and spend some much needed time together. Molly and Rachel were great roommates in college and have evolved into amazing, life time, forever friends. It's so great to have little get aways together and be able to see all of our kids enjoying their time together too.

Miss Clara
I'm still amazed that she'll be turning six in just ten days.
Where does the time go?
Of course the chain saw goggles needed to make their appearance at the water park! He wore them the entire trip to Alex on Saturday and then sporadically throughout our time there.
Ella and Anthony getting ready to hit the slides again.
Pure joy!
After having to count down the days starting at two weeks A was beyond excited to finally have a weekend with his friends at the water park.
What happened to Baby Lucy and who's this big girl?
Finally after lots of play time, rounds of hide and seek, coloring and watching a movie the kids were asleep and the adults had some time to chat, laugh and enjoy each other's company.
Mol and Dana
Drinking buddies
Jeremy had lots of good stories throughout the night, but the best one probably involved LeRoy or his need for a hair cut or the Mexican restaurant.
While the kids slept we drank, talked and continued to laugh our way through the night.
Fun times!
Here's my absolute favorite photo of the weekend.
Obviously when you play hard you sleep even harder!
Somehow Ella's leg ended up on Anthony and not once did he wake up or notice what was going on. They were all just O-U-T.

Thanks for a fun weekend, Mol, Rach and family!
We love you all and are so thankful you are a part of our lives.


LJFEIER said...

LOVE your pics. The ones of the kids sleeping in the bed are so darn cute!!! Glad to hear you had a fun time. :)

ClubChanga5 said...

Play Hard...Sleep Hard!! that is such a great photo. Glad you guys had a much deserved fun weekend!

Team Tuttle said...

That looked like lotsa fun! I'm so glad you guys are able to spend time together - especially the kiddos! I LOVE the sleeping picture ... too funny! :)