Our Sunday started with a trip to Home Depot to pick up the necessities for the yard. While we pushed our carts full of mulch, top soil, plants, etc. something sparked inside of me. I've never had a green thumb or really cared too much about what happened out in the yard. That's been Mark's baby since moving in five years ago.
However, today felt different. It started with finding my favorite "purple flowers" that I see around the neighborhood and then stopping in front of some beautiful hydrangeas, which were right by my all-time favorite calla lilies. As we picked out our tomato plants and seed for our experiment of a garden I started believing that perhaps I could join Mark out in the yard. Perhaps I, too, could create beautiful gardens and enjoy doing so.
This revelation is quite interesting/a bit hilarious to me, though. I grew up surrounded by gardens - vegetables and flowers - and never showed any interest. Why now?
Part of it might be coming from our sharing of a CSA (community supported agriculture) for the first time this summer. On Thursday we received our first of many deliveries. We've already enjoyed the asparagus, eggs and green onions and are looking forward to a summer full of fresh and local food.
Whatever the reason is today I spent the entire day out in the yard with Mark and surprised myself with how much fun I had. Maybe a green thumb really can be cultivated in your thirties?

Our annual flower bed is being transformed into a vegetable garden this year. We both have no clue what we're really doing; however, we're looking forward to experimenting and hopefully getting some food to enjoy.

The flower pot is getting it's annual make over.

While I was pulling weeds and watering I came across this bird hanging out. I was completely fixated on my new little friend and was amazed I could get so close. He just watched me and didn't seem worried at all about my proximity.

The oak and maple trees out front are finally growing! I was surprised by how large they have gotten and am excited to see them mature through the years.

The final creation is done and I actually did it on my own! (Yes, I realize this isn't hard to do, but I was surprised how easy it was to create and that it was fun to do.)

The dead, or so we though, lilac bush made a resurgence this spring. Beautiful!

Here's my little friend again. I found out he was hurt and then I was overly worried about him. He stuck around the whole afternoon, but when I went to check out him before supper he had left. Of course I was bummed and hoped he was safe; Mark was thinking I was a little nuts... Anyone know what kind of bird this is?

The garden is coming along....

We quickly found out that a tiller would be needed so Mark made a trip to Big Lake to rent one for a few hours. We also realized that we would need more black dirt before we planted anything as well as a little fence/barrier. I have a feeling Zoey will find her way into the garden no matter what, though.
Today really was a great day being out in the backyard and enjoying our home. I'm excited for our vegetable garden and for our plans for a perennial flower bed. It will be nice to get back out there and finish up; luckily tomorrow is another day off!