Thursday, January 14, 2010

Zoey the Wonder Dog

Last night and this morning we had a huge scare with our Wonder Dog. Zoey tried walking last night, but would cry out in pain. Eventually Mark had to carry her to bed. Our hope was that she would wake up recovered and just like her old self. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and I became all emotional thinking of every possible thing that could be wrong with her. After dropping Anthony off at daycare and teaching until a sub could come, I brought her into the local vet. After doing some tests and taking a couple of x-rays it was determined that she is showing some signs of trouble in her left hip and lower spine/back. The vet feels that arthritis has set in, which is causing and will cause her problems in the future. Luckily, that was the best outcome out of the range of possibilities. So it looks like Zo needs to go on a little diet, try to "take it easy" (that should be interesting) and take some medication as needed.
I realized today after immediately taking a personal day from work and paying a vet bill without flinching that I will have some major heartache when Zoey's time with us ends. From the moment I drove all the way to Menomonie, Wisconsin, based solely off of her cute picture on, I fell in love with her. So for the next few hours I'm planning to take it easy, cuddle with her in bed and be thankful for our Wonder Dog.


Anonymous said...

OMG! You have sent me into blog-readers heaven! After many days away, I clicked on your blog during a conference call to find PAGES of new material!!! Yahoo!!! While I can't get updated now, I can't wait for some future downtime to devour the latest. I did quickly scan your post about "unveiling" the Hat Trick. I've had the same struggle lately and was recently vowing to do the same thing to The Blabber... You are right - your readers truly care. How great to have so many along for the ride!

LJFEIER said...

I'm SO glad Zo is okay. Seriously, that would have been more than you guys could handle right now!

Team Tuttle said...

I'm glad to hear that Zoey is recovering ... I'm also glad you were able to get her in right away! Take Care - I love you! :)

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Zoey update: She is back and feeling 100% better! YIPPEE! :)