I must say I was quite impressed by our creations this year and the fact that I didn't use a single triangle. That's utterly amazing for me.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Jack-o-Lantern Fun!
I must say I was quite impressed by our creations this year and the fact that I didn't use a single triangle. That's utterly amazing for me.
Happy Halloween!
BOO! Anthony surprised me this morning by waking me up and scaring me with his spooky skeleton costume (Thanks again, Uncle Erik!). While I made some breakfast he busied himself with the fun cards that Grandma Kathy and Great Aunt Gretch had sent him along with the Halloween theme stickers. He's definitely excited to go trick-or-treating and have a party at Cam and Ry's house tonight. Now if we could only get him to take a nap so he's really not a monster tonight... I guess he's just too excited, which I can understand. I am too! I haven't been to a Halloween party since I was a kid.
I hope you all have a fun (and safe!) Halloween and enjoy the little ones in their costumes.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Manda's Shots!
My sister has been doing photography up in Grand Rapids for a number of years now. She loves capturing life's moments in a non-studio portrait kind of way. Typically her photo shoots are outside, very low-key and fun. Just recently she created a blog for her photography as a way to get her work out there and, perhaps, create even more interest. Check it out!
My sister has been doing photography up in Grand Rapids for a number of years now. She loves capturing life's moments in a non-studio portrait kind of way. Typically her photo shoots are outside, very low-key and fun. Just recently she created a blog for her photography as a way to get her work out there and, perhaps, create even more interest. Check it out!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Baby Adele
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Let the Wild Rumpus Start!

My Wish
I have yet to listen to Rascal Flatts' song "My Wish" without getting teary eyed and filled with the same strong desires for A. There are so many wishes you have as a parent...
I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you want to go,
and if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
and if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' 'til you find the window,
if it's cold outside,
show the world the warmth of your smile,
but more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can haul,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
all the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
and you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
and always give more then you take.
But more than anything, Yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can haul,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish for you.
and each road leads you where you want to go,
and if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
and if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' 'til you find the window,
if it's cold outside,
show the world the warmth of your smile,
but more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can haul,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
all the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
and you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
and always give more then you take.
But more than anything, Yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can haul,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish for you.
Packages Galore!
Let me recap A's after-day-care-coming-home-to-mail delight:
Package #1: This package was sent all the way from Arizona and included his Halloween costume in it. Unfortunately, the outfit was a bit too small (although completely adorable!) and the fabric about put him over the edge. We were sad to see he wanted nothing to do with it. (Don't fear - keep reading!)
Package #2: The following package is the one in the picture. (Yes, I'm dorky enough to get rid of the addresses. Safety first!) Anthony's great aunt Gretch from Oregon does a wonderful job of remembering him and sending fun, unexpected and wonderfully thoughtful gifts even though she has yet to meet him. (Although we are hoping that will happen soon!) The last package included a book he loves and a whistle he cannot get enough of. That being said, he was really excited to open this one too. To his delight he found yummy marshmallows and a new puzzle.
Package #3: Because package #1 didn't work out the seamstress, thankfully, made Anthony another costume that is roomy enough and in a comfy, Anthony approved fabric. On Friday he opened his new costume and to the delight of Mark and I couldn't wait to try it on. He wore it around and was once again excited to go trick or treating with Ry and Cam next weekend. (Pictures will soon follow!)
Package #4: This one was delivered today during nap time and ended up being the most revered of all. Last weekend after our time up north we, unknowingly, left Anthony's blanket at my parent's house. He did fairly well, but then ended up getting sick throughout the week. Of course he woke up crying one night and all he wanted was his brown blankie that was three hours away. Luckily, Grandma and Papa Johnson came to the rescue and sent it express for a mere $16.30. THANK YOU!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This auntie-to-be is EXCITED!

Touching and looking at Manda's belly is amazing!
My little nephew is in there and will be out with us in a matter of months. How amazing.
I am now a firm believer that her belly is the most beautiful sight.
I cannot help but to copy these pictures from Manda's blog and post them on my own. This weekend we headed up north for a long, MEA break to celebrate our five year anniversary and spend time with family. Although I talk to her almost everyday, I haven't seen my sister since Anthony's birthday party back in August. Needless to say, it was a delight, as always, to spend time with her and to see her ever growing belly. Baby Tuttle sure is getting bigger and kicking up a storm. The most precious moment was when Anthony took his hand and tried very seriously to feel his baby cousin kick. It was just too cute. I'm looking forward to the next couple of months - baby showers, Thanksgiving celebration, baking goodies weekend, Christmas celebrations with family and friends and then, finally, Baby Tuttle's arrival. :)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Fire Station Open House
Even though it wasn't planned we ended up spending the rest of the day with the Feierabends. We had lunch together and then went over to their house for nap and play time/go Gophers and Twins game viewing/baking with apples/eating yummy chili for supper and visiting with other friends that popped by too. Today was a great and much needed day --- thanks for a wonderful Saturday!
Super Luke!
Last weekend we celebrated Luke's 30th birthday with some morning bowling and then the Vikings game back at the Feierabend's house. Anthony had a great time bowling for the first time, but quickly lost interest. However, he had plenty of friends to keep him entertained and busy. We all had a great time being with our amazing Becker friends and celebrating a friend we are proud to know and be a part of his life.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Welcome, Adele!

"When you get older you get BOLDER!"
Five years ago my Grandma J passed away. She was the second grandparent that I was able to be there when she died, which was a beautiful moment for me. I remember Manda and I feeding Grandma her last taste of ice cream and watching her lick her lips and exclaim how delicious it was; I remember one of the last things she said to me was, "You are my sunshine" and asked me to sing her that song. Every final moment with her was extremely sad, but heartwarming too. Besides being able to say goodbye and giving all my love to her at the end of her life, the best moment was just after she passed away and the nurses had cleaned her up. Manda and I sat beside her singing songs and talking about our lives with her.
Last week right before bed I saw an old book that I hadn't looked at in quite some time even though it remains on my nightstand. It was the only thing I wanted after Grandma passed away --- her Helen Steiner Rice book of poems, "Someone Cares". Towards the end of her life she couldn't see well and could no longer read, which really bothered this word lover. When I would visit I would always spend time reading a letter someone had sent or some poems from this book, which she loved. When I opened the book, moments with Grandma came flooding back along with the passion she felt about living life, making a joyful noise and seeing the good in everything and everyone. Even though I was giving her the gift of my eyes and ability to read all of those times together, she gave me much more. Her zest for life and pep in her step will always be with me.
Last week right before bed I saw an old book that I hadn't looked at in quite some time even though it remains on my nightstand. It was the only thing I wanted after Grandma passed away --- her Helen Steiner Rice book of poems, "Someone Cares". Towards the end of her life she couldn't see well and could no longer read, which really bothered this word lover. When I would visit I would always spend time reading a letter someone had sent or some poems from this book, which she loved. When I opened the book, moments with Grandma came flooding back along with the passion she felt about living life, making a joyful noise and seeing the good in everything and everyone. Even though I was giving her the gift of my eyes and ability to read all of those times together, she gave me much more. Her zest for life and pep in her step will always be with me.
I always read this poem multiple times to her.
Now it has become a favorite of mine too.
God, Are You There?
I'm way down HERE!
You're way up THERE!
Are You sure You can hear
My faint, faltering prayer?
For I'm so unsure
Of just how to pray -
To tell You the truth, God,
I don't know what to say...
I just know I am lonely
And vaguely disturbed,
Bewildered and restless,
Confused and perturbed...
And they tell me that prayer
Helps to quiet the mind
And to unburden the heart
For in stillness we find
A newborn assurance
Each small sincere prayer.
Now it has become a favorite of mine too.
God, Are You There?
I'm way down HERE!
You're way up THERE!
Are You sure You can hear
My faint, faltering prayer?
For I'm so unsure
Of just how to pray -
To tell You the truth, God,
I don't know what to say...
I just know I am lonely
And vaguely disturbed,
Bewildered and restless,
Confused and perturbed...
And they tell me that prayer
Helps to quiet the mind
And to unburden the heart
For in stillness we find
A newborn assurance
Each small sincere prayer.
Her faith was so strong and went beyond church on Sunday. She exuded it in a beautiful, happy and loving way. There are many days that I need to be reminded of this and wish she was still here to cheer me on and exclaim, "Oh, Tonja! What a wonderful surprise!" (I could have used those words this week...)
Thank you, Grandma J, for giving me so much to be thankful for and loving me.
Thank you, Grandma J, for giving me so much to be thankful for and loving me.
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