Tuesday, August 18, 2009


No, not Mark and I, but collectively the Johnson family is excited about Manda and Damon's pregnancy. I love that our family is growing, that Anthony will have a little cousin to play with when we get together and that I get to become an auntie now too! (It's also great to live vicariously through my sister's pregnancy! This whole process is just so amazing and such a miracle.) Anthony is extremely excited and has lifted up auntie's shirt many times to "look" at the baby or give him/her a kiss. So far he hasn't decided whether it will be a boy or a girl (he keeps changing his mind), but he has come up with several clever names --- Stickers, Suckers, Sister and AJ. I guess we'll have to wait until January 13th to met Baby Tuttle and see if one of his names gets chosen. Be sure to check out Manda's beautiful growing baby bump here!


Erin said...

I'm rooting for a Stickers... classic yet trendy.

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Very Hollywood, huh?!

Unknown said...

Awww, yay! Congrats to Manda! Being an auntie is amazing. It's so rewarding and fun to watch Jackson grow and learn. It's also nice to hand him over to his mom when he's not so happy. :) You will love it! Congrats to you too.

Team Tuttle said...

I'm going to have to agree - being an auntie is awesome! One of my favorite jobs in the world next to wife, sister, friend, etc... :)

Ashley said...

It is so exciting when a new baby is coming into the family, no matter your role. Being a mommy and experiencing all that comes with pregnancy and labor definitely is amazing and miraculous, and it is also so much fun to see another loved one experiencing some of those same things. And it's so great to be able to talk Mommyhood with a sister! (Ahem, Brea?)

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Ashley - When is your due date? If I remember right Manda and you are only days apart.
Brea - I would have to agree with Ashley on this one. Babies, babies, babies! Okay, I guess you should focus on the wedding first...

Sara said...

That's so great Tonja! Congrats to your family. Now you will all have to wait, and wait, and wait some more. Isla says it's her baby in mommy's tummy and her name is going to be "baby sister." Should be pretty interesting whenever this baby arrives. Congrats to you!!