The Wild Rice Festival has turned out to be a fun place to visit every summer. Yes, it's even smaller than my hometown of Deer River, but it wins me over every time with its yummy wild rice dishes, Saturday night street dance, BINGO in the old fire house as well as running into random DR graduates, family and friends.
The parade on Sunday was a big hit yet again for Anthony. It actually turned out to be the only really nice day on our trip up north - the rest of the days were unseasonable cold and I realized quickly that I hadn't packed enough warm clothes. Unfortunately, mom and dad couldn't join us this year (mom just had knee surgery), but we still had a little crowd on the curb with Grandma and Papa Hanson joining us as well as Auntie Manda, Uncle Damon and Uncle Erik. Anthony loved everything that went by and even started to go after candy this year.
After the parade we headed out to mom and dad's for an afternoon visit. Anthony absolutely loved hanging out with Uncle Erik outside. A huge highlight was that they picked fresh broccoli, lettuce, peas and even wild ginger. Of course, A was up for trying any and everything. He ended up eating almost a hold head of broccoli and even declared that he thought the ginger was yummy. He definitely reminds me of Erik when he was little. He was constantly in the garden getting fresh veggies, wiping them off on his clothes and then eating it. Unfortunately, with all of their fun exploring in the backyard, Anthony ended up getting a couple hornets mad at him, which resulted in some stings and lots of tears. He's now very quick to point out if he sees any bee or any bug that might sting him. I suppose this is just the beginning of bee stings and other owies that will come his way being that he's an active and curious little boy.
Our first weekend up north was a lot of fun and we're looking forward making the WRF a tradition for our family every summer.
A does remind me a lot of Erik in that way! Standing at the garden eating veggies... too cute!
That is some serious fencing around his garden- what is he keeping out, exactly?
My parents get deer that come into their backyard and stand right in front of their sliding glass door. I'm assuming dad constructed the super fence to keep out this lovely family of deer.
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