Monday, February 9, 2009

Genius Child!

This is so Kathy Lee of me, but I can't help myself! I need to take some time to do some serious I'm-so-proud-of-Anthony bragging. (Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, that's what our family blog is all about in the first place, right?)
Every day we spend time counting; it's become a common thing in our house just like saying the alphabet, pointing out colors and singing songs. For many weeks now he's been counting to three. Last week he surprised me by continuing his counting and getting all the way up to ten. Of course he ends with YAY! and starts clapping while I'm completely in shock and feeling like we have some sort of genius child. Sunday while coloring he counted his colors and went all the way up to twelve. Wow-zer! (Of course he was calling the brown color blue and the yellow was always green or red or orange, but never yellow. We still need to work on that one!)
I'm just so excited he's interested in learning and is clearly picking up new things each and everyday. Especially since the doctor was originally worried because of his lack of language skills when he first came home. It truly is exciting to be around a two year old who is constantly saying new words, forming longer sentences and surprising us with his new knowledge.
Who knew parenting would be this rewarding and fun?!


Anonymous said...

Keep the Kathie Lee moments coming! LOVE THEM!


Team Tuttle said...

He is such a smart little guy! I can't wait to see him again - I'm sure his vocabulary is exploding!

Love you!

Ashley said...

I agree with Mara, and I love your comment about the family blog - so true! (Not only yours.)

He is one smart cookie. It must happen to those who have teacher mamas. :) It's so good to know that you're working on these important skills early. Not enough of the children that I work with have these concepts down concretely, and they are in preschool! Good for Anthony. :)