Monday, February 2, 2009

Everyone needs an exceptional friend

On Saturday I received a very touching email by a very exceptional individual in my life. I hadn't realized it, but quickly learned it was a year to the day after learning about Anthony. At the time we didn't know his name, the circumstances or even the fact he would very quickly enter our lives and become our greatest gift.
Here's the email I received a year ago from our social worker at LSS:

Hi Tonja,
I thought the best way to catch you during the day would be via email, so I apologize that I couldn't ask this question over the phone. Ali, who you and Mark have met before, is working with a birthparent that is currently parenting an 18-month old and is looking to make an adoption plan. I know that your profile states that you are open to up to 12 months, but I am wondering if you would consider an 18-month old? If so, your profile will be included with others for the birthparent to look at. Please let me know as soon as possible.

This particular email and contact from our social worker brought so much hope to the waiting process. We hadn't heard anything since October and those were the longest and most painful three months of my life. There were many days I felt consumed by not hearing anything and couldn't get out of the very un-Tonja-like fog of sadness. It felt like the process would never end and I feared that our desire to become parents would never actually become a reality.
Like most days, I found solace in confiding with the people who cared and supported me sharing with them the emotions of this amazing journey.

Thank you so much, Jenn, for being a constant support system in my life last year and always finding ways to continue that support throughout this year. I'm not surprised that you kept this email with my personal message to you and sent me an email to celebrate our "anniversary". In fact, I've come to learn your thoughtfulness knows no bounds and for that I will always be grateful.

What a difference a year makes. . .
You sent this to me a year ago today. I remember the events that unfolded over the month that followed very clearly, but probably nothing compared to your memory and emotions. Can you even remember the excitement & anticipation, yet apprehension to be hopeful when you got this email?
I saved this email for this very reason; I was hoping it would be an "anniversary" to celebrate.
Thank you for being my friend enough to let me in to your anticipations, disappointments, the proud right along side the not-so-proud ones.
I think you are an amazing mother and things unfolded for you and Mark just as they were supposed to. I'm so thankful you've allowed me an intimate look into the last year of your life and your journey to motherhood.

On most days I feel like I need to pinch myself as I look at my life now. This year has been an amazing adventure as a parent and I find myself giving thanks everyday for the little and big things that have transpired.

I know there are so many others, dear friends and strangers, out there who have and are experiencing the emotions of waiting to become parents. My heart goes out to them as they wait in their roller coaster of emotions. My hope is they will be blessed and quickly realize the tears, disappointment and heartache was completely worth it. As they wait hopefully they, too, have exceptional individuals who will support them along the way.


Emily said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you share more stories like this as we approach more "One-Year-Ago-Today" moments. It really is something to celebrate.

Team Tuttle said...

Yay! I know the road has not always been easy but well worth the ride! Love you! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary to you guys! There is no greater gift in this world that that of being blessed with a child!

Anonymous said...

Thank you once again for taking us all on the beautiful vicarious adoption ride this past year! I can can't image how difficult the time before A's adoption was, however it must only make the joy of this year that much sweeter! It couldn't have happened to a better couple! Happy Anniversary!


Ashley said...

Didn't that year fly by?! It has been so much fun sharing in your adventures this year, and Anthony is such a lucky little boy to have a wonderful mama like you! (I'm sure I'd say the same about Mark if I knew him, too!) Love you!