Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A blessing cannot be kept

I am behind --- WEEKS behind.
I keep thinking about blogging, but then find myself at the pool or on a bike ride or doing something else to soak up those precious final days of summer vacation. And now I just completed my third, busy, meeting filled, paperwork overload, back-to-school workshop day. It feels like I'll now be forever busy and never get a chance to update and write about our family's happenings!  Believe me there is plenty to say!  There are tons to pictures to share...A's 5th birthday parties up north and at the "library pool"...end of the summer stories...  Everything continues to stack up and is waiting to be published.
Eventually everything will be published.
Perhaps this Labor Day weekend in between planning out the entire year's curriculum?
Maybe when this horrible root canal ceases in it's torment?
Soon.  I promise.

Until then I feel compelled to share something I read days ago that I continue to think about each day.  I often talk about my (completely genuine) feelings of being thankful, appreciative, and blessed in my life.  It should come as no surprise that I read something titled "You are so blessed" and felt compelled to share what I cannot stop thinking about.

If you are feeling blessed, repay the blessings bestowed unto you and do something for others.

A blessing cannot be kept.  If it stops with you, then the blessing will disappear.  The blessing will only keep working if it is continuously passed around.  If you are a recipient of a blessing, keep the blessing working by being the source of blessing to other people. 

Reading this was a good reminder to be more than just thankful.  I need to continue to recognize the blessings in all situations in my life and to always remember to give back that feeling of good, love, gratitude, kindness, acceptance, joy, laughter (etc, etc, etc) to others. That's why I smile even when I want to be gobbling down the percocet for this darn tooth!

I hope you are feeling loved & appreciated, giving thanks & then finding ways to give it away to those around you!  

1 comment:

ClubChanga5 said...

Blessed to have you as my pep talk, rally ready friend!