Monday, January 23, 2012

Rewind: December

The lost chapters of December...

Anth was very specific about what he would like Santa to bring him.  So much so that he brought a page right out of the Target ad.  While A didn't mind sitting on Santa's lap at all, Ash really wanted NOTHING to do with it.

In school Anth had dress up day as well as bring Baby Bear to school day.  We found out that our Bubsa Boo LOVES wearing a tie and would like to dress up more often.  Who knew?!  This is coming from the kid who would only wear comfy pants just a year ago!

Ash turns TWO!  

Anth got to make the annual wreath and pick out all the decorations with Uncle Airwick.  He also got some use out of his Papa Willie "work clothes" and helped Papa outside.

These two are quite the pair.  I cannot wait to show them this one when they are older!  Potty time together!

A month cannot go by without having some dress up days or two!  The pirate and skeleton are two popular ones.

Johnson Family Christmas

Hanson Family Christmas

Cutting "ood" with Ashee and Uncle Damon.

 Eating "dog food" with Papa Willie before heading back home from the Christmas weekend up north.

1 comment:

LJFEIER said...

Great pictures! Asher is a total doll and I loved his cake, too!