Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday's Randomness

  • Chai tea with friends and a long phone conversation with my sister is definitely the way to start out the week!
  • Clearly it's a good thing we are going to church and Anth is attending Sunday School.  He wanted to know why there was a big plus sign at the front of the church.
    • Hearing Chubby Chubberton say Auntie!  Antee!  Hi!  AWESOME!  on the phone really is so very wonderful.
    • I quickly found out that figurative language/idioms are not something easily understood by little boys.  I told Anth that I was "pooped out" sometime this weekend when he wanted to stay up later than his bedtime.  He thought I pooped my pants.  Pooped O-U-T.  
    • Zoey the Wonder Dog celebrated her sixth birthday yesterday.  Yes, I realize it's a bit bizarre that I actually have it written down on my calendar, but she's such a huge part of our family too.
    • Luckily we got to say goodbye to our beloved ice cream truck and hear the jingle one last time in our neighborhood.  Summer already feels like a way distant memory even though it's only the third week of school.
    • Grandparents who spend the weekend visiting really is a great thing!  (It's even better when A gets out his camera!  SMILE, PAPA MARV!  You made the Hat Trick again!)  

    • Today I had the pleasure of hearing Rachel's Challenge at an assembly at school.  Even though I lived through the story of Columbine shooting while at BSU and had heard a similar presentation years ago, I was totally inspired by her life and the prophetic words she left behind. Her legacy/challenge to others is something that makes so much sense and really could change a school, community, world.
          • Dream big and believe in yourself
          • Be kind to others
          • Practice positive gossip
          • Show appreciation to those you love
          • Be the Answer!
    •  I'm still working on being honest and using the phrase "sucks like shit" when I need too.  The response to that particular post - on the blog, on facebook, on other blogs and email - has all been positive and so encouraging.  It's been a good reminder that people really do appreciate when you can stop hiding behind the facade of "everything is good".
    • So if I'm being honest with myself and those that care about us enough to read our family blog then I would have to say that right now things are tough.  Tonight was the second night in a row that Anthony was completely full of rage and letting it all out on Mark and I.  (I should define rage.  It's like a tantrum times 1,000,000,000 with lots of frothing at the mouth, hitting and vivid word choice said in a constant screaming voice.)  You would think that medication would be the key and all would be well.  (I should have know better!  Just like I thought removing a colon would be key to totally feeling better.  Ha!)  All of this chaos just feels awful --- it's  heartbreaking and so extremely exhausting.  I keep wondering what I have missed along the way, what are we doing wrong, and when will this situation truly get better.  I also keep wondering what lessons I am suppose to learn throughout all of this.  Is it patience?  Is it how to truly love?  Is it being faithful?
    • Every smile is treasured.  Every kind word is appreciated.  Every wonderful moment is a reason to give thanks and hope for more to come even if some nights are filled full of awful rages.


      LJFEIER said...

      Man, I haven't read your blog in awhile. Hopefully this week has been an upswing for Anth. Can't wait to see you again tomorrow!

      Ashley said...

      I have also been absent from the blog world for quite some time. I am sorry to hear about your struggles. I hope things have been smoother lately and that you continue to see positives sometimes!