Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The more I experience life the more I find myself moving away from the belief that there are just random coincidences that happen.  Random, surprising, wonderful, and awful things do happen, but what if it all happens for a reason?  Perhaps there truly are no coincidences after all.

Tonight's weekly therapy appointment was hard.  The rage started immediately and lasted throughout the whole session. Luckily I had our gifted therapist guiding me through the tantrum, prompting me with the words to say and constantly steering me back to "it's okay".  Her voice of reason and reassuring eyes are always much appreciated after every parenting tip and technique has been tried, but failed miserably during a stormy fit.  It's through moments like these that I learn and grow from her advice and plethora of effective techniques to use.  Even though the appointments are typically exhausting I leave feeling like I've accomplished something and we're getting even closer to a different norm for our lives. 

Anth is now tucked into bed and another night of calmness has settled into our home.  While checking my email I found a gem of a surprise --- an email from his therapist. 

You are doing a GREAT JOB! I know it gets old to hear and sometimes does not feel that way, but you are AMAZING. I know our session was hard and appeared that he was not processing, but he was and will continue to do so!  Breathe, relax and repeat to yourself what you told him: you are kind, you are worthy of love, you are wanted, you are amazing, you are smart. Everything is NOT fine, but will be better.  

I feel fortunate to work with someone who understands the symptoms/rages of RAD and is so willing to work with our family.  Not only does she take time to truly HELP and SHARE her knowledge she also takes time to send an encouraging and needed note.  After so many therapists and dead end therapy interventions for A, I'm choosing to believe that her presence in our life is not coincidence.  It's purposeful and feels almost tailor made to fit our needsWithout a doubt, it feels like we are on the right path and that so much good will blossom from these sessions in the long run. 

I choose to believe it's not just coincidence when if feels so personal, so right.  I thank God instead.


LJFEIER said...

Oh, I love her more every time you speak of her. She is a smart woman and this is most certainly not a coincidence. Another great post, friend!

Team Tuttle said...

I'm so glad you've come across this therapy - much needed for everyone! Love you!