Monday, August 8, 2011

Carpe Diem

This morning it hit me hard that only three weeks remain in our summer break together.  I know that sounds slightly greedy being we have had, thankfully, three whole months together, but I am sad to see it quickly coming to an end.  There is still so much I want to do and still so much that needs to be done in helping repair a hurt child.  Right now I'm not mentally ready to begin another busy, stressful year of teaching even though I absolutely love what I do.
So instead of moping I decided to consciously make the most out of each and everyday.  I started the day off with getting something accomplished off of the long forgotten to do list I made in May --- cleaning the oven.  After that messy and not-at-all-fun-but-completely-necessary job was completed, A and I got down to the nitty gritty of our day.

We colored.
We talked and laughed.
We made a birthday countdown with markers, scissors and tape.
We watched Scooby-Doo for over an hour.  
We made fresh-out-of-our-garden zucchini bread.
We danced.
We tandem biked.
We went to swimming lessons.
We went for a family walk.

There are only 18 days left until my Bubsa Boo turns FIVE (WHOA!) and only 20 days before I step back into the roll of mom/wife/teacher/housekeeper/meal planner-coupon clipper-grocery buyer + anything and everything else that pops up.  
Here's to the next 19 mornings of getting up and just getting to be Anthony's mom. 

1 comment:

Team Tuttle said...

Those are the days that I'm going to miss from 'lay off time'... enjoy the last few weeks! I know you guys will definitely be making the most of them! :)