Friday, August 12, 2011

A's 2nd Annual Grammie List

Anthony told Grammie Carol last weekend that all he wanted for his birthday (14 days and counting) was a pet snake.

I SERIOUSLY do not think so kiddo!
A DOG is the perfect pet...not a creepy, crawly SNAKE.   

The whole pet snake thing continued on for a few days until yesterday when he came up with a brilliant plan for the two of us to do today.  He didn't think that he would actually get a pet snake from Grammie Carol so instead he wanted to go to Target, look around and have pictures taken of the things he actually did want for his birthday with the hopes his grammies would grant his wishes.   So today we did just that and had a blast looking through the toy aisle.  Clearly this boy knows what he likes and doesn't (obviously...just check out all the following pictures!) and not once was there any whining or begging to get something.  
Buckle your seat belts, grammies and papas!  Here's Anthony's REAL list --- no snakes included! 

I know this may look a bit obnoxious posting this, but it really was his idea once again this year and we had such a great time looking and spending time together today.  On the ride home Anthony was telling me how much fun he had and that he loves summer the best.  "Summer is all about swimming in the pool, eating ice cream and spending time with momma."  Aw.  What a smile inducing comment and a great trip to Target!


Erin said...

I am so impressed that Anthony can do this yearly photo list. Seriously, my kids would be puddles of "I wants" by the 2nd aisle! +1 point Mama Tonja, -1 point Mama Erin...good work!

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

And I love that it was totally his idea once again. It really is a fun adventure without any whining.
PS - +100 point for Mama Erin and Tonja! We both rock, friend! :)