It really is true that kids will let you know when they're ready for something and it's useless to push anything until they get to that point.
I've been trying to get Anthony interested in letters. He loves doing shapes and we worked on them throughout the summer. So I naturally thought he would be ready to learn letters too.
He wasn't.
His interest level was nonexistence.
Within the last week or so, though, he's become interested. He's wanted to know what an "A" and "H" looks like. Last night he asked me if we could work on "J" so he could know all the letters of his name.
Today he asked to practice his letters once again and wanted to write his whole name out. Clearly some letters are better than others and we have to work on the concept of writing in a straight line with the letters by each other, but this is a start.
A great start!
The love of learning (which sometimes is a bit dormant or nonexistence in some 7th graders) is so fun to see with a four year old. After creating each letter he cheers and wants me to check it out. He wants to keep practicing and learning more, which is fun to see too.
I wish there was a way I could bottle this and take it out during the inevitable times he'll struggle with wanting to get homework completed vs going outside to play. Maybe I should start video taping A creating letters tomorrow so I have proof.
smarty pants A! I can't wait to see all that he will learn!
You are so right that they will just do things when they are ready, as hard as it is for us not to push them into it! I see this in the preschoolers all the time, too, and have to remind myself to give them space and time.
Next he'll be driving... ha ha! :) I love the thank you card with his initials - super cool! :)
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