Friday, November 12, 2010

What a difference a day makes!

Mark and I just never know what type of day we're going to have with Anthony. A day that starts off well can go quickly downhill and never recover or we can be having fun one moment until his mood shifts and we're dealing with a storm of tantrums. It's definitely a different style of parenting that requires patience with the unpredictability and constant knowledge that his reactions are a direct correlation to what has happen in his past and how he's trying to cope/deal with it. It's not personal and we need to be mindful of that even when he's saying the most hurtful comments. Parenting this roller coaster of emotions requires a tag team effort and most days are draining at best even with an amazing teammate by my side.
Tonight was a rare, beautiful exception. It was a wonderful reminder that I LOVE parenting. Too many times I get so wrapped up in the struggles that I can't even fully enjoy the fact that being a mom is so wonderful.
Tonight our child was laughing, having fun, engaging in different activities, listening and following directions and there were no tantrums or mean comments or actions.
Again, it was wonderful.
A definite night of hope with the desire for more.
A clear vision of what we are working towards.
A reason to give thanks.

Anthony loved the package Grandma Kathy sent.
He was quite the helper in the kitchen!
We had fun trying out a new muffin recipe.

Toys R' Us Great Big Book of Christmas is this little boy's dream.
There's so many decision to be made when it comes to toys Santa could bring. The best part is that he sat at the table and ate with us. WOW!
After supper A did every puzzle in the house with no frustration.
And fun!
We even got to play a game of Memory without a meltdown.
Again, amazing and fun!
Here's the beautiful, dirty face I love.
Tonight I am thankful to be given such a fun and laughter filled night full of joy and time spent together as a family. It's just what we needed.


Team Tuttle said...

It has to feel good to have a night of fun with A... so glad everyone had a great Friday evening! Love you! :)

ClubChanga5 said...

makes it all worth it! Keep up the good work Mama! You guys are doing such an amazing job!

Ashley said...

Good for you, Tonnie! I know those days are few and far between, but they must feel SOOO good. :)