Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mr. Moose

Anthony's bud,
Rylan Richard,
the Oracle,
turned FIVE this past week!

Ry is absolutely the sweetest little BIG boy.
He's the one who likes to read,
thinks of others
and wants so badly to be a big brother again.
Ry always exclaims he wants to be a daddy when he grows up
while Cam and A go back and forth between fireman and cop.
Ry is a gentle spirit
who exudes kindness towards others
and has a love that is pure & visible.
I absolutely enjoy watching him open his gifts every year.
He wants to read the card.
He wants to enjoy the gift that was opened.
Then he always takes the time to give hugs and say thank you
before going onto the next one.
"Mr. Moose" is a sweetheart and a VIP in our lives.
We love you, Ry.


Team Tuttle said...

He truly is such a cutie! I'm pretty sure in all my birthday party celebrations - I never stopped to give hugs or alone read the dang card - and I'm going to be 25! :) Happy Birthday Ry! :)

LJFEIER said...

What a lovely post (can I say that when the topic is my son)? I love to see him through your eyes- you know him pretty well. If he needed a job reference, he should definitely call you.
Lucky us.
P.S. The link to his Oracle moment has the most amazing picture. It seems like forever ago he was that little!