Good point, Anthony. Very true!
Anthony made a very good plead as to why we should take a back-to-school picture everyday this week. He is absolutely right. Everyday IS special. So before heading to the space ship and taking off to the next galaxy - aka Renae's house - he would pose and I would capture the moment. Inevitably we would both giggle because he is absolutely goofy and does the silliest things.
Honestly, everyday this week --- okay, the past three days --- have been wonderful for this momma. Not because all of a sudden we've seen angelic behavior and a dramatic change, but rather I've seen such excitement.
Today out of the blue he states, "Momma, I like school." He then goes on to list everything he likes about school:
The books
My teacher
Dinosaurs toys
The kitchen
New friends
The water fountain
The bus
Building blocks
Snack time
Wearing my backpack
What wonderful words! What an absolute success! As he continued to talk, I continued to listen with a huge smile and a heart full of thanks to so many. Things may not always go well, but I'm so thankful that his first impression was positive and special.
Honestly, everyday this week --- okay, the past three days --- have been wonderful for this momma. Not because all of a sudden we've seen angelic behavior and a dramatic change, but rather I've seen such excitement.
Today out of the blue he states, "Momma, I like school." He then goes on to list everything he likes about school:
The books
My teacher
Dinosaurs toys
The kitchen
New friends
The water fountain
The bus
Building blocks
Snack time
Wearing my backpack
What wonderful words! What an absolute success! As he continued to talk, I continued to listen with a huge smile and a heart full of thanks to so many. Things may not always go well, but I'm so thankful that his first impression was positive and special.
Hip hip hooray! Best wishes for more good days and continued success for Anthony!
So glad things went well Tonja!! I love your blog and hearing all about Anthony and his journey. You guys amazing!!!
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