Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday Excitement!

My 33rd birthday is right around the corner. Honestly this year it kind of snuck up on me without any fanfare in a way that never would have happened when I was a kid.
Case in point? Anthony.
He's been excited for his birthday all summer long. He's already picked out the theme, talked about the friends he'll play with on the big day and, of course, has focused on the presents he would love to get. He's so focused on these presents that one day he convinced me to go to the "toy store". From the backseat of the van he's telling me that we're not going there to buy anything, but rather to look and take pictures.
Take pictures?
Yes, we need to take pictures, Mom.
But why would we do that?
Mom! Dad's at work and my grandmas aren't here. They need to know what I want too!
What a smart little boy with a good point.
So A and I stopped at the "toy store" and spent a good half hour perusing the aisles. He looked carefully at every toy in the store and then would tell me which ones he wanted me to take a picture of. True to his word, we just looked that day. There was no whining to purchase anything, but rather excitement for what he might get for a birthday that is still over a month away.
What a fun moment to be Anthony's momma! It was great to see the excitement and know that for him an upcoming birthday means everything. I'm looking forward to celebrating in 39 days!


Erin said...

I'm officially "calling" the Star Wars Light Saber. We're getting that for him. Although I bet Grandma Kathy has half this bough already. Tonja your child is's like a registry with pictures!

Changas said...

that is the best idea ever!!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed! A's a birthday genius!

LJFEIER said...

Nice work, A. :) Love Erin's idea... might have to have the boys pick one out.

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

I should mention this post really wasn't about calling dibs on A's b-day gifts; however, I don't think he'll mind if he gets the toys he had me take pictures of. :)
Got to love the mind of a three year old!