Monday, February 1, 2010

In one moment everything can change...

A family in Becker recently had a tragic accident forever change their family and since then I have been checking their CaringBridge site to get daily updates. I had their oldest daughter Madie in class and my heart goes out to her and all that she's going through as well as her two sisters. When I read her mom's postings it takes me back to everything my family went through when my dad went through his terrible accident years ago. Even though I missed my parents and was terrified about what was going to happen to my dad, I was constantly shown the power of love. My mom never left my dad's side. She was there everyday taking care of him full of hope, faith and love that everything would turn out in the end. I cannot imagine all that my mom went through now that I am a wife and a mother; my heart goes out to Jennifer as I read her entries and know that she is in pain watching her husband go through all of this. Her writings are full of faith, Bible verses and a positive attitude in the midst of all that is going wrong. Yesterday he spoke her name for the first time in almost two weeks and I was elated. Their story brings me back to the reality of life; anything can happen at any moment. Life as I know it right now could look drastically different in a blink of an eye. Everyday I pray for the Edlings and all they are going through right now. I also make sure I give thanks for all of the wonderful blessings in my life.


LJFEIER said...

Absolutely. There are always reminders around us, aren't there?

Team Tuttle said...

I too cannot imagine what mom went through all those months - that had to have been so difficult for her. I'll be praying for this family!

Millers said...

T- Please email me...I don't have your email address and want to try and get together.

Miss you.