Grandma Kathy took personal days at the end of her school year so she could come down and spend some quality time getting to know and hang out with Anthony. She was here last Wednesday and Thursday and this week she stayed from Tuesday night until Saturday morning. Mark and I greatly appreciated the help and Anthony had tons of fun playing, baking (of course!) and going to the park each day with gama. THANK YOU, MOM!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Smart Girl
Once again, this posting's title does not refer to me, but rather a fellow blogger and friend. Lately the state of our economy has been weighing heavily on my mind. The price of gas seems completely outrageous and the cost of groceries continue to creep up with each weekly visit to the grocery store. All of it is overwhelming to take in and it makes me wonder where we are headed. Can it get worse?
I fear that it can and will.
Perhaps I worry more now because we are parents; perhaps I worry because it is in my nature to do so. Or perhaps my concern and worry is justifiable in the times we are living in.
I've resorted to taking out the stroller rather than the car if I have errands to make around town. Getting some exercise and spending the extra time is worth it in my eyes. The clipping of coupons and finding good deals has intensified. I now base our weekly meals on what I can find in the Sunday ads. Buying generic brands doesn't bother me if I can save money and still give tasty options to my family. (This would be the perfect time to insert an apology. As a child it used to drive me crazy when mom would get out her coupon book or dare to pick up the generic yellow or white box in the grocery store. I can vividly remember a conversation she had with a friend about the great price on grapes at County Market. Maybe I really did believe that money grew on trees out at Minnesota Power.) The bottom line is that I now take the time to thoughtfully think about my needs and wants. Lots of things can be put in the later category.
Again, is this all necessary or am I just worrying over nothing?
The Bain Blabber has recently written some thought provoking posts regarding our economy. Whether you agree or disagree with her thoughts and opinions it will definitely give you something to think over. Take time to check out The Smart Girl who can more eloquently put her observations into a concise, factual writing.
Becoming Picasso
Interesting title for someone like me, huh? Anyone who knows me definitely understands that I lack skills in the "Picasso" area of life. So obviously this post couldn't possibly be about me. You're right. It's not. A treasured friend, Joni, is almost ready to begin an adventure of a lifetime. On June 5th she will be leaving for Ireland to pursue/hone/contemplate/create/expand her passion - art. She's decided - or perhaps got pushed into - creating a blog to capture all that she will experience on her six week journey. Without a doubt, Becoming Picasso will be a daily read for me and a great way to live vicariously through this creative, vivacious spirit. Perhaps you would also like to get away this summer without ever leaving the comforts of home?
Just to note - Becoming Picasso is a work in progress. Be sure to check back in the upcoming weeks!
Friday, May 23, 2008
I Survived...
I was a bit worried and not super excited about going back to work this past week; however, I survived! Anthony had a great time with Grandma Kathy on Wednesday and Thursday. (I only called home once each day!) Then on Friday he spent his first day at Renae's house. (I have to admit that I stopped the car before and after dropping him off at day care so I could compose myself... ALSO, I didn't call her once throughout the day! Amazing.) When I picked him up I could tell he had a great day and the kids were excited to have him there as well. They didn't want me to take him home! I'm glad he liked Renae's house so much; having Anthony go in the fall will be much easier now.
Right before going back to work the dreams and the mental to do list started. (Residual side effects of being a teacher or perhaps just being me.) I was so worried that I wouldn't remember students' names or that the connection we built together would no longer exist. I was also worried that Anthony would think I had abandoned him.
I should have put all of these needless worries to rest and just gotten some sleep. Everything worked out just fine. It really was nice to be back in my classroom with the students. The past three days with them really confirmed why I am a teacher. I love teaching English and I love being with seventh graders. Even more than that, though, I love making connections with students beyond just the classroom. It was very heartwarming to receive welcome back cards and gifts. (Yes, I'm being serious.) Who would have thought students would thank me for coming back to my classroom? Not me!
On the flip side, it was hard to be reminded of the level of disrespect a teacher faces everyday. I shouldn't have been shocked, but I was, to be confronted with rudeness, disrespect and bad character each and everyday. My assumption was that everyone would be in a bit of a honeymoon period having me back and the end of the school year would run smoothly. I really feel bad for my co-workers and friends who have dealt with so much in the past three months. It makes me wonder how long the good will outweigh the bad when it comes to teaching. How much can one take before a change is made? I guess only time will tell.
Overall, I am thankful I have eleven days in my classroom before summer break begins. It's nice to know that I can be away from Anthony and everything will go just fine. (Perhaps Mark and I could have a date night before he turns ten?) It was also nice to experience what day care will be like starting this fall. Hopefully this mom won't be crying before and after dropping him off from now on! The best part, though, is that I have eleven days to appreciate the summer even more than if I would have had the entire time off. I am looking forward to our summer together! We'll be camping, swimming, spending more time at the park and on walks, visiting family and friends, playing, exploring.... It will be great!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
As I look back I cannot believe so much time has passed. My adoption leave from school ends today and tomorrow I will go back into my classroom and resume a normal life of teaching.
I'm so thankful I had this time to bond with my son. It's been amazing watching him grow and change and having the ability to be home for all of it. My goal was when I would go back to work he would know his house, family and that this was a permanent, everyday place for him. It's so touching that in a short amount of time he gets that - he knows we are his parents and this is his home.
In the past three months I've been amazed by many things big and small. The generosity of our family, friends and co-workers is at the top of the list. We have been given so much and feel such overwhelming gratitude for all who have helped out along the way. Hopefully those individuals know how much we appreciate their giving spirit. Anthony is another source of amazement. He now shakes his head yes and no and tries to say the words as well. How did he pick that up? And how does he know how to correctly use it? Just today he said yes to being hungry, done eating and then ready for nap time. AMAZING! Also, our relationship with Cynthia is another thing that I'm amazed about daily. She is wonderful and has broken all of my stereotypes about what a birth mother would be like.
I guess it all boils down to the fact that we are blessed and love being Anthony's parents. I'm finding myself just a bit sad that tomorrow won't be another wonderful day at home, but I'm looking forward to a whole future together as a family.
An interesting side note, I realized this weekend I haven't gone through a bottle of gel or hairspray since I've been home and my make-up bag was rarely touched. I don't know if I should apologize to the people who had to endure my shabby appearance or appreciate the fact that for once in my life sweatpants was required for the job of being a mom and showers were optional.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Congratulations, Tracy!
Baby Emerson is coming SOON and I couldn't be happier! Yesterday I had the opportunity to celebrate Tracy's impending motherhood at a beautiful shower thrown by her mom and sisters. It was great to see uber-pregnant Tracy; she definitely GLOWS. It was also nice to get together with all of my girlfriends and chat.
Smile! For those of you who are always wondering who I'm talking about I'll point all of the ladies out. Back Row: Nicole with Isaac, Jenn, Alexis and Joni. Front Row: Myself, Tracy and Emerson, Laura and Gretchen. (April and Clara were there, but must have come after this photo was taken.)
Tracy is due June 17th, but I have a feeling Emerson will want to enter this world before than. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)
What a Cutie!
Baptismal Weekend
This weekend I had the honor of being baptized next to my son. (Check out the photos by clicking on the link!) It was a special moment; one I will always remember and celebrate. Afterwards family and friends came back to our house for brunch and to socialize.
Anthony is enjoying wearing his new Elmo shirt while he eats some num-nums, visits with Grandpa Marv and Grandpa Willie and reads the paper too. How fun!
Thanks, Michael and Laura, for witnessing our special day and coming over for some num-nums!
Friday, May 16, 2008
The 70s!
The past two days have finally been beautiful outside and Anthony was able to wear two super cute summer outfits. We had lots of fun going for stroller/wagon rides, stopping at garage sales, going to the park, and playing in the backyard with Zoey. I'm definitely looking forward to our summer together.
This was Thursday's outfit that he kind of, sort of picked out. (It was random pointing, but I like to think he wanted to wear it.) Thanks, Molly, for the super cute outfit.
Today we cruised around town getting him a haircut (it was much needed!) and stopping at some garage sales as well as walking a ton. It's nice that he loves his stroller and likes being out and about. Thank you to Emily for the cute Osh Gosh outfit (he loves the lion onesie) and the bug hat he had to wear today, Marilynn.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Pool Time
Well the verdict is in. Anthony LOVED the pool this morning! It helped that he immediately saw balls in the water as well as in a bin; he was hooked and ready to play. It was also nice that we were the only two people in the pool - he didn't get splashed or spooked on his first try. (However, I felt bad for the life guard who was bored to tears by us...) I was surprised with how brave he was when walking into the deep water and how he really didn't mind floating on his back. It will be fun to take swimming lessons this summer as well as go to the beach. I think he's going to love being in the water.
The only drama that happened this morning occurred not with Anthony, but with myself. Does anyone else hate - I MEAN HATE - having to try on summer clothes AND your swim suit after a long Minnesota winter. Ugh. Not a pretty sight.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Spandex Drama
Tomorrow Anthony and I are going to the local pool to try some water time. (That's the plan at least; hopefully everything goes okay in the morning.) He loves the bathtub so I'm hoping the pool will be a success too. We'll see.
In anticipation of tomorrow's pool adventure Mark and I decided to have him try on his new gear. He didn't mind the life jacket at all; he walked around with it on and there weren't any major breakdowns over it. The second get-up was a whole different story. I'm not sure if it was the one piece outfit or the suckin' tight spandex or something else, but he really freaked out while wearing it. He pulled, tugged and grabbed at the fabric meanwhile crying and going crazy. Of course I had to snap some photos...
He's trying to figure out a way to get it OFF! Unfortunately, pulling his shorts up didn't help.
I'll be sure to write an update tomorrow and let you know how it goes at the pool. I've decided that he'll just wear his swimming shorts so we avoid any extra drama. Hopefully.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Little Buck-a-roo
Kissing Time
What a shot! Nice tongue, Zo, and nice still-somewhat-sleepy-but-loving-the-attention look, Anthony. You two are quite the pair.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The Best Gift
One last Mother's Day note - Just this past week Anthony added a new word to his dialogue, mama. The first time he used it knowingly and looking at me I cried. What a sweet sound coming out of our sweet boy. I know I'll hear those words come from his mouth thousands of times in our future together; sometimes they'll be kind and patient while other times they will be demanding or mad. I hope I never forget the powerful effect of hearing it the first time and having it pull so strongly on my heart. Anthony saying and knowing his mama truly is the best gift ever.
Happy Mother's Day
Mother's Day has always been a special and meaningful day for me. When I was younger our family would celebrate mom at our lake lot while we camped/fished and "surprise" her with gifts. It was always good to take time out and let her know how much I appreciated her (and still do!). Then once I got married I had another mother (in-law) to celebrate and appreciate on this special day. Luckily for me I hit the jackpot with Carol; she's amazing, loving and very giving.
This year, though, will always be a very special Mother's Day for me because it is my first. I grew up wanting to be a mom and it was hard to go to all of those doctor's visits hearing that it probably wouldn't happen. Anthony entering our lives has truly been a gift from God; the sweetest gift I could have ever received. My dream of becoming a mother has come true and I'm so grateful.
Thank you, Cynthia, for being Anthony's birth mommy and having such a special place in our lives. You are so loved, admired, appreciated and thought of each day by me. I appreciate your selflessness and obvious love for Anthony. Every year on this day I will give thanks I'm a mother as well as celebrate you and your courage. It is because of you that my deepest wish came true.
Thank you to everyone who thought of me and did something to make my day special. I appreciated the cards mom, Jenn, Jess from CA, Manda and Ella & Mol. Thanks for the call, Rach (You're getting SO GOOD at communicating!) and Manda; I appreciated the text message, Shannon. Thanks for stopping by Joni to talk and wish me a great weekend. I loved the card and gift, Mark and Anthony, as well as our beautiful Sunday spent together as a family. Most touching of all was the call I received this afternoon from Cynthia wishing me a great, first Mother's Day. (How utterly amazing, huh?) She truly is more than I could have ever asked or hoped for in a birth mother. As our relationship grows and deepens I continue to feel more and more grateful for her presence in my life. I love you, Cynthia.
To all of the moms out there - I hope you enjoyed your special day. Thank you for your influence in my life and helping me along the way as I learn about being a mom too. You're all appreciated by me.
Friday, May 9, 2008
I Shouldn't Complain...
I cannot believe this is my last full week home with Anthony before I have to go back to work. My adoption leave and having the ability to stay at home for 12 weeks has been wonderful. I'm glad I was able to devote this time to Anthony and help him transition (as well as Mark and I). The good news is I only have to go back to work for eleven days before summer break starts. (I know, I really shouldn't be complaining.) And when I go back he'll be spending his days getting to know his grandmas while they watch him. Day care won't start until the fall. How great is that? I'm just sad to see this chapter in my life pass by. When I look back on the last three months it has been quite a whirlwind starting on President's Day when we got the call from our social worker. A wonderful, crazy, emotional whirlwind that I feel immensely grateful for.
I guess I'm just really amazed at how quickly life passes by. I'm also a bit nervous because right now I'm living in a bubble of sorts. I'm really worried about how I will balance my family and teaching and every other responsibility on my plate. I guess I'll get a quick preview of it starting next week and then wait for the juggling act to begin next fall.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Twenty Months Going on Sixteen
Today Anthony is in love with cars, as usual, and his cool shades - thanks again Kris! His Little Tikes car has stayed in the house even with the warm weather and it is something he plays with everyday multiple times. Today, though, he needed his sunglasses on while he was driving. The only problem is they are a bit too big and that was FRUSTRATING him greatly. Luckily I got a picture of him before the major meltdown happened.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
A Lazy Sunday at the Park
Today was the perfect day to play at the park! Wagon ride = Time at the park = One happy boy!
The worst part about going to the park is having to go home. Daddy, who was working out in the garage, could hear him crying all the way home. How completely devastating.
Happy Birthday, CJ!
This weekend we went to the annual, first of May birthday party for CJ. Luckily the weather turned out to be nice on Saturday and we had another great time visiting with the Lefebvres as well as their family and friends. I'm still amazed that CJ is turning four on Tuesday. Not to sound cliche and/or old, but I can clearly remember his mom's pregnancy and his arrival into this world.
Happy birthday, CJ!
Present time - FINALLY! It was hard for an almost four year old to wait all day to open those presents. Especially when they were waiting to be ripped open and enjoyed. It was fun watching him open his gifts with the swarm of kids around him. It really is an event!
The birthday boy spent some time testing out his new Spiderman roller skates. Luckily dad was there to help him out.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Muy Cansado (Very Tired)
An Anthony first became an Anthony second today. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten up at 5:30 this morning after all...
Going for the Turkey
In bowling if you get three strikes in a row you get a turkey. The Hanson household is going for the potty "turkey" - three days in a row of going on the big boy potty chair - today. Lately I have been second guessing the whole potty training attempt and thinking maybe I should just stop. Today, though, I got some renewed energy, ZEST! I was sitting at the table writing out a few cards when Anthony comes up to me. He gives me one of his diapers and then lays down in the diaper changing area waiting for me to change him. Sure enough his diaper is completely soaked and in need of changing.
So if the little man is clever enough to tell me to change his diaper without even speaking I'm certain he can figure out the whole potty chair business, right?
I know he's only 20 months and a boy, but we are forging ahead.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Super Flowers
For any of you who actually care out there I thought I would let you know I just threw away my Walmart Spider Mums today. I seriously cannot believe they lasted this long - March 17th through May 1st.
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