Yesterday afternoon Nicole and Isaac came over for their first play date with Anthony. I didn't let him nap over four hours yesterday (only 2 1/2), which pretty much put him in a bad disposition to start with. Needless to say, Anthony was a bit of a bear and wanted everything Isaac had, didn't want to share and was in a hitting mood. Lovely. I would have never guessed a few months ago that a simple play date could be so stressful/complicated. Maybe next time I should let him get LOTS of REST?!
A rare moment of just the two of them sitting together on the couch. If you could read Anthony's mind he's trying to figure out a way to get that cell phone AND put a baseball hat on Isaac's head. In his mind EVERYONE should be wearing a hat even if they really don't want to!
He has finally put his plan into action. He stands up on the couch (a definite no-no) to sneak behind Isaac and plop the hat on his head. Yay! Mission accomplished. Well, sort of. Isaac promptly threw the hat off and Anthony began to think of Plan B for getting him to wear the hat!
Just for fun I decided to google play date today. The second thing that popped up was PlayDate Etiquette. I should have known there would be material out there to read on hosting the best afternoon play date EVER. It all seems a bit over the top, but maybe I should check it out so next time Nicole and I can spend more time actually talking. Yesterday I felt like a bit of a mommy referee. Am I the only one who has ever experienced this?
It really sounds like I was completely frustrated and the play date went awful, but that isn't true. I'm still learning how to be a mommy and adjusting to a lot of things just like Anthony. The greatest part of their visit was seeing the difference between Isaac, 24 months, and Anthony, 19 months. Isaac's language is so much stronger than Anthony's. He's talking a ton and starting to put words together, which is great to see. It's fun to know that he will be exploding with language soon and finally letting us know his thoughts. I'm looking forward to all of those milestones we'll get to be a part of in his life.
Thanks for coming over, Nicole and Isaac!
On a random last minute note, I have to mention our couches. You know they've got to be atrocious when you see them on an episode of True Life about a bunch of teenagers that have run away from home and are now living together in a drug/alcohol/sex induced state. (I'm really not making that up! And, yes, I have become a bit of a MTV/VH1 junkie. That's what happens when you grow up in the sticks with PBS and a very fuzzy CBS and ABC for television.) Back to the couches, we would really like to get new ones, but haven't found any that we like. We're hoping to get leather and figure out a good arrangement for our open living room layout. Any thoughts? If so, PLEASE let me know!
Oh, kids. Isn't it interesting that nearly all children have that "Everything in sight must be mine, especially if someone else is playing with it" notion at one point or another? I wonder where that comes from. It's got to be hard to teach them that that's not really nice or true and that sharing is a virtue. And that it hurts when they hit people.
You parents have a rough job!
I can COMPLETELY sympathize with your random TV habits. The Bergeron clan was lucky to even get ABC -
only when venus and pluto were in retrograde and we all stood on our heads with tin foil on our feet.
Ok, so that never happened. But I also find myself watching random things and think it must because of the lack of TV in my early childhood.
Actually Emily, I remember it as... if you stood on the stairs with your hand out the window holding the pole to the antenna you just might get to watch a full episode of Growing Pains, Who's the Boss, etc. That got a little cold in the middle of the winter when your hand would freeze to the metal pole. Tonja, sorry to hijack your comment space for a Bergeron family moment. But, you of all people should's always about the Bergeron's!
My favorite part of this posting is the fact that ... even though you spent the whole time be the referee - you still had the camera in your hand thinking "Ah, this will be a great shot for the blog... work it Anthony... this will make great blog material!" On the other hand, you do realize that friends and family will be doing CRAZY things (jumping in front of the camera, saying off the wall things) JUST to get into your blog entries! :)
On the joys of living on the Oteneagan Road. Did I spell it correctly? Probably not...
Just another random thought - What does Oteneagan mean anyway? Is it a Finnish name? ????
I believe it is Oteneagen... and I believe it stands for 'Out in the Sticks' or 'We think it's a treat to watch Lorance Welk' or 'It's acceptable to drive around a banana seat bike with really ugly shorts' or 'People around here drive station wagons called Butterscotch' or 'Mush-ka-boo' or 'Oooo - blick'... Really we just need to take our pick! :)
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