More affectionately known as Cam-a-Roo by me
Three already?
How can that be?
I remember the night you entered the world
The moment I met you with your scrunched up forehead
The lasagna I ate as your parents beautifully asked me to be your godmother
And every wonderful moment spent together from the beginning
Always know that you are
Cared about
Prayed for
by me
As you grow I will continue to be here
and you will always have a special place in my heart
I love you, Cam-a-Roo!
It was a great party today for a super great kid. Lots of fun, you guys left so quick I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I liked the new hair style. You looked great!
So poetic, Ton! I'm impressed.
Cam loves you as much as you love him.
Thanks for everything.
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