Monday, July 18, 2011

Wild Rice Festival

My hometown's celebration "The World's Largest Wild Rice Festival" gets more and more entertaining and fun the older I get.  Every summer it finds it's way onto our calendar and every year I leave knowing that I will definitely bring A back next year.  It's a weekend of spending time with my family and enjoying the small town that I grew up in.

 Anth trying out the new Jeep Grammie and Papa bought for A&A

He quickly moved onto bigger and better things, though.  Papa's used/new-to-him Ford truck was a thrill to drive with Grammie!  It certainly reminded me of days past when I would "drive" too.

 This scene could easily be one taken right out of my childhood!  Dad's reading the paper while Anth is eating breakfast/"reading" the back of the cereal box.

 A hanging out by DR's big fish

 Grammie sure knows how to find different things at the parade.  Not only did she get piles of candy for A&A she also picked up this lovely spider that creeped it's way off of a float.

 Uncle Damon and Ash

Sunday was bracelet day for $15.  Being that the WRF is a small fair in a small town Anthony was able to enjoy going on rides multiple times.  This is number 146 on the carousel with Grammie!

Luckily we ran into my cousin Ryan and his little girl Karly.  She loves the dragon roller coaster just as much as A.  They would get on, ride, get off, get back into line, and immediately get on again.  Ride - line - ride - line - ride....  The two of them did this for a good 30+ minutes and were all smiles the entire time!


Again there was a free outdoor concert - Joe Diffy this year - however, Anth didn't quite make it.  All it took was one loop around the block with Uncle Damon and he was out.  After an afternoon of the parade, riding on too many rides to count, and being out on a 90 degree day it's not a surprise that he was pooped.


ClubChanga5 said...

looks like a blast! after ride 146 I would be ready for a nap as well...or a cocktail.

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

It's no Wisconsin cow chipping days, but it's fun! :)

mama said...

It was a fun time indeed. Family time is always a plus in my day...I'M LOVING IT...Grammie

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

GRAMMIE KAFFEE?!?! It's great to see a comment from you on the blog! :)