Unfortunately, Anthony really wasn't into having photos taken that day and quickly slipped into a bad mood. I made it even worse when I took a stick away that he found in the woods and was hitting others with. (Darn, mom!) That's when the tears started and the "you can't take my stick away" mantra was repeated over and over and over...
Never fear, though! Even though I thought the photo shoot was a complete disaster the results turned out awesome. She got several great shots of Anthony and was able to capture his wonderful smile and just overall cuteness as well as his random silliness; got to love the family photo where he's sticking out his tongue and being Mr. Goofy Pants! The last photo, though, is definitely one of my favorites. She did a fabulous job of capturing Anthony's mood of the day --- the whine, tears and overall pouting "I not want to do this" mood.
Thanks again, Auntie Manda! You are WONDERFUL and always so appreciated!
Love the PICS! Super fun and adorable, your sister is very talented!
Love the pics and the new look of your website. Very festive. The tongue sticking out in your new family photo is so appropriate!
I'm so glad you picked that picture for your family blog picture - I love it! I couldn't help continuing to click away as you and Mark smile and he is just content sticking his tongue out! Yay! :) Thank you for giving me the opportunity to capture smiles and tears! :)
THe pictures are perfect! YOu will be able to use them at his High School Graduation or any other time you have the opportunity to embarrass him with younger photos! Your sister takes awesome photos!!
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