Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Play-Doh Time

Clearly, I haven't grown up yet. For some reason Play-Doh has always been a fun activity for me and growing up I wished I had all of the "cool" accessories that went along with it. Anthony got some great Play-Doh gifts for Christmas and recently we have been playing together. (I am SO HAPPY he loves playing with it and using his imagination to make spaghetti and pizza and snakes because it means I get to play too!) The amazing part for me is that he'll sit there for almost an hour at a time trying new things and having fun. Looks like it is a win-win situation for Anthony and mommy!


Ashley said...

It's great that he has such an attention span at this age! That means good things to come. (of course you get the preschool teacher perspective on this one.) I tried watercolor painting with Jackson tonight -his first project ever - and he seemed to like it! We were able to paint three eggs and do two sets of handprints before he'd had enough. Mama was so proud of him!

Sara said...

Seriously, an hour??? That sounds wonderful!! Maybe I need to get Isla some play-doh and tools to create things. We do have a small bin of play-doh but I'm sure with more colors and tools she'd be more entertained. Hmmmm, maybe the Easter bunny will deliver some.

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Maybe after awhile the fun and newness will wear off and he won't be so intent with sitting at the table for a long period of time. ???