Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back on course?

Monday morning I got a call that Anthony was throwing up at daycare. I quickly got everything prepared for a sub and spent the rest of the day taking care of him. Thankfully he only puked once when we got home, which was all over me and the floor. For the most part we had a low-key, mellow day of reading books, watching Cars/Monsters/cartoons and cuddling. Later on that evening I started feeling sick too. What a joy it was to be puking and having my two year old cry each time for mommy. Ugh. On top of everything, it took Mark almost four hours to get home that night. Needless to say, when he finally walked through the door I was in tears -- tears of happiness and oh-my-god-I-think-I'm-dying.
Yesterday all three of us stayed home. Luckily, Anthony was feeling much better; however, I wasn't. I'm so thankful Mark took the day off because I don't know how I would have managed with just the two of us.
I finally kicked whatever bug I had late last night and am feeling much better this morning.
However, Anthony has been up five times throughout the night crying "owie" and "hurt". I'm hoping we'll be able to get through the day and that we are truly back on course.
My fingers are crossed...
(Hopefully this super kick-your-butt bug doesn't come visit you. YUCK!)


Anonymous said...

Yuk! There is some sort of bug going through my house too! Lucy has been sick with throwing up and the shits...Ella, the, well never mind me..:)

I hope all is better in the Hanson home....brrrrrrr it's cold out!

Team Tuttle said...

I'm glad to hear you guys are on the up-swing... I'm looking forward to you visiting this weekend! Auntie Helga can't wait to give kisses to her favorite Nephew!