Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July

Growing up Fourth of July camping was always a big celebration in our family.  I can remember spending close to a week camping rather than just a weekend and having several spots reserved for family and friends.  It definitely was a big event.  Every camping trip looked the same - impatiently waiting in my swimsuit ready to jump out of the RV onto the beach, hours spent riding the waves and making sandcastles while getting burnt and nights spent around a campfire roasting marshmallows, "hunting" raccoons, and hanging out with cousins.  Some of my favorite memories growing up revolve around our summers spent by the lake.  
I still have a love for camping and Mark enjoys it too.  Unfortunately, though, we have done less and less as the years go by.  Now that we are parents, my hope is to spend more time up north and enjoying the beautiful lakes and camp sites during the summers.  I want Anthony to have and enjoy what I did as a child; I also want him to spend those lazy, fun days with family and friends.
Auntie Manda and Anthony spent lots of time hanging out on the beach and having a good time. He loved being in the boat watching her jump out and showcasing her awesome "tricks".  The highlight of the weekend was going out in the boat way past bedtime to check out the fireworks Friday night.  Not only did we get to see a beautiful display of lights, but we also had fun singing as well as getting pelted with all of the bugs!  We thought he would crash for sure, but it turned out he was having way too much fun to waste it on sleeping.

Anthony is learning that Uncle Damon sure is a lot of fun too!  Especially since he loves all things motors and has plenty of toys for Anthony to ride on.  He enjoyed getting to "drive" uncle's big truck, but the biggest highlight was taking their new Yamaha Rhino for a ride around the yard.  Even though he was very serious while on it he cried and asked for more after having to get off.  Having an uncle who loves toys is going to continue to be great fun as Anthony gets older.  I can picture those two having lots of adventures together.

Logan and Lane are Damon's cousins as well as Anthony's new best friends.  He played with them all weekend long and they did such a good job with him.  On Saturday Logan hung out with him all afternoon.   They were busy making bubbles, riding floaties in the water, eating Doritos, playing in the sand...  Anthony had a great time!

Overall, the first camping trip up north was successful.  (Even though we left earlier than planned...) Anthony clearly loves the beach and does a great job being in the boat.  He also loved all of the attention he got from family and friends. Everywhere he went he had someone to play with and he was able to be the center of attention.  That was perfect for our little entertainer.  It was great that everyone in my family was able to be up there.  Anthony got to spent time with Grandpa Willie and Uncle Erik too!  Even through all of the bug bites he had a great time.   Hopefully this will be a tradition we can continue into the future.

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