Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Always the Godmother...

You know the old saying, "Always the bridesmaid and never the bride"?  I started to make up my own a while back, "Always the godmother and never the mother".  I thought it was pretty funny; however, very few of my friends or family would laugh along at that one...
I really have been blessed to become a godmother to three beautiful children.  I think of them everyday and say prayers for their lives now and who there are to become in the future.  I hope no matter how close or far they may be from me that we can always have a bond and a love for one another.  
Now I start to wonder about my own son and who would be the best godparents for him.  Who would pray for him and have his best interest in mind?  Who would be a positive example in his life?  Who would always love him and be a constant support through all of the ups and downs in life?  When I think of Anthony and what's best for him I see it's a serious decision and one that isn't taken lightly.  Knowing that three families chose me to be their child's godmother becomes an even bigger blessing.                                                                                                          

    Ella Mabel - 23 months in this photo

    Camden Joseph - Just turned one last Friday!

  Nicholas Duane - 62 days old today

God bless all three of you and know that your godmother loves and thinks of you often...


LJFEIER said...

You are just the best, Ton. How exciting to add Nicholas to the group. :)
Congratulations on this honor. Know that your godchildren (and their oracle siblings) pray for you, too!

Erin said...

Ahh... this is exactly why we picked you guys to be Nicholas's godparents. I knew he would always be well thought of and prayed for.